Dignidad restaurada

Ayúdanos a revestir a las mujeres perseguidas con fuerza y dignidad

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Making a difference through your invaluable support

Your gift today will help provide:

Spiritual and physical support and comfort
➮ Trauma care
➮ Emergency humanitarian aid
➮ Education and literacy programmes
➮ Christian resources and literature
➮ Essentials for believers who have lost everything

Other ways to give:
Direct Debit   Bank Transfer* BIZUM**
By bank transfer or deposit * into any of the accounts listed below:
Caixa Bank ES18 2100 1659 7502 0013 6469
BBVA ES17 0182 6546 4202 0157 4370

* Send us the receipt in one of these ways:
✉ Email: A donaciones@puertasabiertas.org or
✆ WhatsApp: Al 955 944 770

**  BIZUM:. Please use the code 33559 or search Puertas Abiertas under donatios to NGO in your bank´s application.
¡If you are a tax resident in Spain, you can deduct your donations on your income tax return!
Donations to Puertas Abiertas may be tax deductible in the income tax return (applicable to tax residents in Spain). For more information contact: info@puertasabiertas.org

Thank you!

With your donations, we can ensure the continuity and stability of our efforts in supporting persecuted Christians and defending their freedom. Additionally, your support funds projects that are specifically designed to aid them.